



From 23/08/2023 to 21/09/2023


05:12 PM Production Ticket(ST) #10003 (Support In Progress): FSMS: 02437877 JTIHQ Retail Xcellence Dashboard Filter
Joe change the store procedure to fix the filter issue Goy Chong Yu
10:50 AM Production Ticket(ST) #10003 (Pending Client Feedback): FSMS: 02437877 JTIHQ Retail Xcellence Dashboard Filter
Kindly check with user on how they know the dashboard filtering is hardcode?
As checked from our...
Goy Chong Yu
10:48 AM Production Ticket(ST) #10003 (Support In Progress): FSMS: 02437877 JTIHQ Retail Xcellence Dashboard Filter
Noted on the escalation. We will check on it and revert back in soonest possible.
Goy Chong Yu
10:48 AM Production Ticket(ST) #10003 (Ticket Resolved): FSMS: 02437877 JTIHQ Retail Xcellence Dashboard Filter
Dear Crenergy Team,
Subject : FSMS: 02437877 JTIHQ Retail Xcellence Dashboard Filter
Analyst ...
Goy Chong Yu


09:09 AM Production Ticket(ST) #9916 (Support In Progress): RX performance
Arif and Joe completed Item 1, 2a, 4, 8 and deployed to production on 6th Sept, in progress of remain items Muhammad Arif
09:09 AM Production Ticket(ST) #9916 (Ticket Resolved): RX performance
Muhammad Arif

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