From 20/03/2024 to 18/04/2024
- 06:31 PM 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11496 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquiry add a new function)
- check and understand user enquiry
- 12:51 PM 0.60 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11461 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Inquiry on stock deduction)
- check and understand the user issue.
- 10:10 AM 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11398 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Supplier Invoice 's account code wrong)
- check and understand the user requirement
- 09:47 AM 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11323 (Ticket Resolved): Inquiry on Change Request 's fees)
- check and understand the user requirement
- 02:18 PM 1.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11357 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - adjustment in print document)
- check and understand the user issue.
- 12:32 PM 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11323 (Ticket Resolved): Inquiry on Change Request 's fees)
- clarification with user
- 10:26 AM 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11345 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - CR on printed document)
- inform user this is required CR
- 11:41 AM 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11324 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Cannot Open the DO module)
- check and escalate to Principal
- 07:01 PM 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11280 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - cannot create supplier invoice)
- check and understand the user issue.
- 06:57 PM 0.70 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11279 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - POS system cannot create cash sales)
- cheking and testing
- 02:48 PM 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11217 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - print document DO does not have stock code)
- check and clarify to user
- 09:12 AM 0.30 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11258 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - enquiry the system guide)
- simple check the user guide
- 09:20 AM 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11240 (Ticket Resolved): Execution - DO and INV font changed)
- check, escalate, discuss with leong and user
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