From 16/05/2024 to 14/06/2024
- 03:04 PM Production Ticket(ST) #11981 (Ticket Resolved): YAKULT - change the customer type to Credit outlet
- select * from #temptable
select * from customer where org_id = 'A000002' and customer_code in
(select customer_co... - 02:47 PM Production Ticket(ST) #11981 (Support In Progress): YAKULT - change the customer type to Credit outlet
- 11:26 AM Production Ticket(ST) #11981 (Ticket Resolved): YAKULT - change the customer type to Credit outlet
- Dear Rashdan,
Please assist to change the customer type to Credit outlet based on the list in attached file.
- 05:46 PM Production Ticket(ST) #11905 (Ticket Resolved): YAKULT - SFA Implementation for Yakult
- 05:44 PM Production Ticket(ST) #11905 (Support In Progress): YAKULT - SFA Implementation for Yakult
- 10:01 PM Production Ticket(ST) #11905 (Ticket Resolved): YAKULT - SFA Implementation for Yakult
- Dear Rashdan,
Please assist to import Yakult Customer and User Master data into Datanory Trial.
Please let me k...
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