



From 30/04/2024 to 29/05/2024


03:40 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11690 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - help to check any setting wrong caused this)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
12:43 PM Datanory - OROMEO 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11790 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - assign all customers (15787) to user ID: 110001 (Admin))
add customer to user relation for 110001. Rashdan Hussin
11:35 AM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11766 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - Van Goods Request Approval for SRB07 whose should be approve?)
There are two approval flow for this user. Rashdan Hussin
10:41 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11838 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - this cancelled is do by sales team or?)
Collection created and cancelled at their side. Rashdan Hussin
10:26 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11851 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest- hi there, as we create a new user which is BRY, can help us add this new user as PIC as per this customer list? thanks)
Add new customer to user relation. Rashdan Hussin


09:16 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11824 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - hi @Azhar13, why web not shown CCMS0000008?)
Same issue with Rashdan Hussin
02:23 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11830 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - try collection (without check in out), cheque date empty, but got fill in)
Check the payment type. Rashdan Hussin
09:55 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11827 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest-Hi, 24/5/24 sales invoice report not able to generate)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:35 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11731 (Ticket Resolved): Hi pls check, CCMCJ000285-240515 didn't reflect to autocount)
CCMCJ000285-240515 didn't reflect to autocount Rashdan Hussin
06:28 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11822 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - duplicate items when export to ERP)
Joe code is overwritten by pipeline. Rashdan Hussin
06:25 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11812 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - sell in detail show blank in all transation)
Joe code is overwritten by pipeline. Rashdan Hussin
06:20 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11783 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - can't find the product code)
Issue with the product in datanory using old code while in ERP have new code. Rashdan Hussin
03:36 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11788 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - SO didn't upload to sales order approval)
SO didn't upload to sales order approval Rashdan Hussin
10:30 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11686 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - other modules, follow item code ya, can change to follow item code?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin


04:09 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 20.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11780 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- Hi @Azhar13 why like this ya)
f Muhammad Arif


12:05 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11815 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - This customer no have HE promotion)
Their promotion setup. Rashdan Hussin
07:55 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11811 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why the mobile showing this invoice)
Invoice created by clt device. Rashdan Hussin
06:56 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11798 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - click import data but not response)
Route Plan Import Rashdan Hussin
04:14 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11797 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why for branch V all end date change to 23/5/24)
Patch the end date. Rashdan Hussin
02:49 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11647 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @~Rashdan Hussin Add on explaination ya, as other can tick to choose it, but collection date cannot)
collection date Rashdan Hussin
12:04 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11782 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- Hi @Azhar13 this paid, but still have, please assist)
Data integrataion. Rashdan Hussin
11:37 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11774 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Collection didn't reflect to autocount and datanory)
Possibility of dead lock. Rashdan Hussin
10:30 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11784 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest-- Hi, can help to check why this SO didn't upload to sales order approval?)
Ticket already created. Rashdan Hussin


03:02 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11773 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - check this good return error)
Customer branch duplicate. Rashdan Hussin
01:57 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11763 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - didn't reflect to datonory SA report)
Branch and area mismatch. Rashdan Hussin


04:40 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11692 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Some of the picture empty and half)
Possibility due to poor network connection. Rashdan Hussin
04:23 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11777 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - No have promotion list)
No issue found. Rashdan Hussin
04:14 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11776 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - how at handheld have double cstmr name)
Duplicate route. Rashdan Hussin
04:09 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11775 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - Sales Quantity By Item Report. Please assist.)
Caused by recent deployment. Rashdan Hussin


09:42 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11750 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - So how to solve it? For this customer 302K/346 no more outstanding)
Same issue as Rashdan Hussin
09:27 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11770 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - Upload error)
Multiple branches for the promotion causing duplicate Rashdan Hussin
09:14 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11769 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - cant upload)
Network issue. Rashdan Hussin
04:15 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11764 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Salesman inform me, he can't check out)
Cannot replicate the issue. Rashdan Hussin
10:07 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11758 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - unable save, shown bank blank)
Include checking for bank. Rashdan Hussin


06:12 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11674 (Ticket Resolved): suntory- I saw the decimal point difference for 08th and 09th any reason ?)
decimal point difference for 08th and 09th Rashdan Hussin
05:59 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11656 (Ticket Resolved): Suntory - [07/05, 20:50] MCC Cris: hi not sure if this is issue because when i filter 6th May, then data cannot show [07/05, 20:51] MCC Cris: when no select filter the 6th May data is shown)
bug Rashdan Hussin
10:55 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11748 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why already settled the payment, still showing in mobile?)
already settled the payment, still showing in mobile Rashdan Hussin


07:00 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11742 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - collection unable approve)
issue with web collection is a bug Rashdan Hussin
02:54 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11742 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - collection unable approve)
web collection bug Rashdan Hussin
06:55 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11740 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - pls check this issue)
Knock off invoice still showing. Rashdan Hussin
04:30 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11739 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - Another issue is Return)
Good return pending. Rashdan Hussin


10:41 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11727 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU- hi @Azhar13 why collection type shown CN? but payment receipt correct)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
10:11 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11727 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU- hi @Azhar13 why collection type shown CN? but payment receipt correct)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:14 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11724 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- hi, pls help check, collection ccmn5000009-240418 has minus the CN/002073 - RM 2.56 but now want to do new collection, and this CN still appear. customer is 5P517 Wan Shing Mktg S/B.)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
04:49 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11722 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- Hi Technical Team. 2 nama cstmr tiAda dalam list handheld user tapi dalam sistem sy, ada dalam sistem. Boleh check? For JHB05.)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
12:44 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11722 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- Hi Technical Team. 2 nama cstmr tiAda dalam list handheld user tapi dalam sistem sy, ada dalam sistem. Boleh check? For JHB05.)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:36 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11702 (Ticket Resolved): goldcrest- Hi pls check, direction missing)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:30 PM Datanory - NIBOU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11705 (Ticket Resolved): NIBOU - checking all the active users for Nibou)
checking all the active users for Nibou Rashdan Hussin
05:51 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11698 (Ticket Resolved): Hi pls check, invoice and collection number missing INWWX001117-240510 CCWWX001142-240510)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
04:54 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11709 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Issue of collection in web)
Issue of collection in web Rashdan Hussin
03:06 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11708 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- hi @Azhar13 unable approve)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:37 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11676 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest- Hi pls check, this 2 collection number missing CCWWQ000575-240508, CCWWX001113-240508)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


03:32 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11690 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - help to check any setting wrong caused this)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
12:03 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.20 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11696 (Ticket Resolved): Daily Fresh- Hi Technical team. SEL14 tak boleh print kertas untuk 99 speedmart.advice pls. Urgent!!)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:58 AM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11678 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- kindly see highlighted. how come call rate is 100% but still have missed calls?)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:49 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11672 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - hi, pls check why collection of CCMC4000006 is missing?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:35 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11539 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Hi pls check, WWQ 19/04/24 stock bal.)
opening balance in EOD summary is not same as previous day closing balance Rashdan Hussin
10:49 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11688 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount)
No issue. Rashdan Hussin


05:07 PM Datanory - OROMEO 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11675 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - import the assigned merchandiser to Datanory)
import the assigned merchandiser to Datanory Rashdan Hussin


05:03 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11689 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - can't view product list for customer group ES RM 2)
Not update the integration trigger Rashdan Hussin
01:21 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11686 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - other modules, follow item code ya, can change to follow item code?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin
01:12 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11688 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount)
inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount Rashdan Hussin
12:34 PM Datanory - PRIMAASIA 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11687 (Ticket Resolved): PRIMAASIA - salesman cant login to his Datanory apps)
User not fill in organisation name. Rashdan Hussin
12:18 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11667 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - hi @Azhar13 why invoice total amount difference?)
invoice total amount difference Rashdan Hussin


04:46 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11679 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @Azhar13 why different?)
Not setup customer qualifier. Rashdan Hussin
02:42 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.20 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11678 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- kindly see highlighted. how come call rate is 100% but still have missed calls?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
02:27 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11676 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest- Hi pls check, this 2 collection number missing CCWWQ000575-240508, CCWWX001113-240508)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
02:27 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11632 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - pls verify this user ME5, missing no 5 but duplicate no 4)
duplication and the skipped running number. Rashdan Hussin
10:17 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11672 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - hi, pls check why collection of CCMC4000006 is missing?)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
09:06 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 5.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11663 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - CCMN3000022 - this transaction have 2 types of payment cash & chq but why import to systenm combine under 1 transaction only?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


07:51 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11651 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - why on behalf module some become untick? as last time all ticked ya)
Customers are recently added. Rashdan Hussin
06:44 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11568 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - Unable to upload)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
03:11 PM Datanory - OROMEO 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11666 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - Update Chain Code For KK Supermart)
Update the KK Supermart chain. Rashdan Hussin
02:26 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 5.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11660 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku -hi, Please help to check this OR CCMS2000022-240507, approved but not import to System.)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:26 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11655 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - hi @Azhar13 user MN8, planned route got missing outlet, MN2 also)
user MN8, planned route got missing outlet, MN2 also Rashdan Hussin
11:00 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11665 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Hi pls check S/078 didn't reflect datanory)
User not assigned to customer branch Rashdan Hussin
10:54 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11648 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Customer 301M/022 should be no outstanding ady, but mobile keep showing outstanding inv)
Cancelled invoice keep showing in mobile. Rashdan Hussin


10:26 PM Datanory - OROMEO 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11644 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - Update Latest Oromeo User)
User update. Rashdan Hussin
07:09 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11663 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - CCMN3000022 - this transaction have 2 types of payment cash & chq but why import to systenm combine under 1 transaction only?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
07:01 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11660 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku -hi, Please help to check this OR CCMS2000022-240507, approved but not import to System.)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


05:02 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11627 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - CCWWQ000438, CCWWQ000439 and CCWWQ000440 didn't reflect to autocount)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
10:08 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 6.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11627 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - CCWWQ000438, CCWWQ000439 and CCWWQ000440 didn't reflect to autocount)
Duplication adn support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:54 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11647 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @~Rashdan Hussin Add on explaination ya, as other can tick to choose it, but collection date cannot)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:33 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11631 (On-Hold): SNEKKU - May I know where can I have a report to call only datanory collection ?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin
11:23 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11629 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Mobile Transaction Upload Error)
Multiple branches for the promotion causing duplicate. Rashdan Hussin
10:12 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11632 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - pls verify this user ME5, missing no 5 but duplicate no 4)
Duplicate collection number Rashdan Hussin
09:28 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11630 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Cannot Setup Product Catalog)
Inconsistency issue with organisation update which is existing Datanory issue Rashdan Hussin


10:10 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11629 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Mobile Transaction Upload Error)
Mobile Transaction Upload Error Rashdan Hussin

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