


Production Ticket(ST) #11966

Updated by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 4 months ago

Hi Both, thank you for the feedback. Let us recap that the SST imposed are based on billing date regardless the subscription period.

Whichever billed before 1st Mar 2024 will not be imposed with the new SST

FAQ: Updates on Service Sales Tax (SST) Rate for Billing and Subscriptions

Q: How will the change in the SST rate affect my billing?

A: To ensure clarity and transparency with our valued clients regarding the upcoming changes in the Service Sales Tax (SST) rate, we would like to provide important information concerning our billing process:

*For Services Billed Before 1st March 2024: Any services billed prior to 1st March 2024 will adhere to the current SST rate of 6%. This applies irrespective of the subscription period covered by the billing.

*For Services Billed After 1st March 2024: Services billed on or after 1st March 2024 will be subject to the new SST rate of 8%. This adjustment is in line with the latest tax regulations.

Q: Will services that span across the SST rate change date be affected differently?

A: The key determinant for the SST rate applied to your billing is the date on which the billing is issued, not the subscription period. Therefore, services billed before the rate change date will remain at the 6% rate, while those billed after will be at the 8% rate.

Q: Who can I contact for further clarification or support regarding this change?

A: Should you have any further questions or require additional support on this matter, our support team at FAV365 is here to assist you. Please feel free to reach out to us for any clarifications or additional information you might need.

FAV365 Support Team
