


Production Ticket(ST) #10638

Updated by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 9 months ago

Hi, the system logic for sales order running number are as below :

1. Web portal SO running number

prefix : SO + SNK + 6 running digit number + -yymmdd
example : SOSNK000001-20231220

Therefore the next running number will be SOSNK000002. SO create by portal will share the same running number as the prefix is same.

2. Mobile apps SO running number (salesman)

prefix : SO + <Salesman code> + 6 running digit number + -yymmdd
example : SOMN8000001-231219

Therefore the next running number will be SOMN8000002. Each salesman would have their own running number as the prefix is different (SO+<salesman code>)
