


Production Ticket(ST) #12126

Daily Fresh - Both invoice sales on dashboard different. Kindly advise

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago. Updated about 2 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
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% Done:


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Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
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Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

No resolution for this Our technical team already resolve in the trial, the deployment to prod will de done on 7 th of aug

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 09.48.13_e7e5c4c0.jpg (42.6 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 09.48.13_e7e5c4c0.jpg This was at 7.34pm 28/6 Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 01/07/2024 10:22 AM
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 09.49.03_f7afed16.jpg (80.8 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-07-01 at 09.49.03_f7afed16.jpg This was 7.23am on 29/6 Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 01/07/2024 10:22 AM (12.5 MB) Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 05/07/2024 04:48 PM
Invoice_1.jpg (46.5 KB) Invoice_1.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 16/07/2024 11:46 AM
invoice_2.jpg (32.9 KB) invoice_2.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 16/07/2024 11:46 AM
Testing_canclelled_credit_note.png (39.5 KB) Testing_canclelled_credit_note.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 16/07/2024 11:46 AM


#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen to Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal

hi Afiq need your help on this ticket.
This is the finding :
this logic is stored in the sp_sync_download_user_sales_info SP as I checked , total sales based on monthly as I check I checked from i of june to 29th june (before 7:35 am)
This is my finding.
based on my understandinf from the SP
Invoice sales= total invoice- CreditNote

Need your assistance on this matter. Thank you

select * from member where member_cd= 'PRK06'

-- invoice Header

SELECT invoice_status, created_date, updated_date, *
FROM txn_invoice_history_header
WHERE updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
AND invoice_status <> 'Cancelled'
AND invoice_status <> 'Rejected'
AND created_date BETWEEN '2024-06-01' AND '2024-06-29 07:35:59'

SUM AS total_currency_value
updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
AND invoice_status <> 'Cancelled'
AND invoice_status <> 'Rejected'
AND created_date BETWEEN '2024-06-01' AND '2024-06-29 07:35:59'
-- 39817.10

-- Credit_note

select * from txn_credit_note_history_header
WHERE updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
and status <> 'Cancelled' and status <> 'rejected'
AND created_date BETWEEN '2024-06-01' AND '2024-06-29 07:35:59'
-- total Credit note 16,569.89

#3 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Escalate to 2nd Level Support

#4 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal to Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen

#5 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Escalate to 2nd Level Support to Pending Client Feedback

-- Azhar
declare @dt datetime ='2024-06-28 06:34:00'

CREATE TABLE #temp_table(
action [varchar](50) NULL, -- For 'Insert/Update'
id [varchar](50) NULL, -- For combined 'a.member_id', year, and month
userid [varchar](50) NULL, -- For 'a.member_id'
mtdSalesTarget [decimal](18,2) NULL, -- For 'isnull(tgt.total_target,0.00)'
mtdSales [decimal](18,2) NULL, -- For 'isnull(sales.total_sales,0.00)'
percentageOfAchievement [decimal](18,2) NULL, -- For the calculated percentage
mtdYear [varchar](4) NULL, -- For the year extracted from @dt
mtdMonth [varchar](2) NULL -- For the month extracted from @dt


insert into #temp_table
'Insert/Update' as action,
a.member_id+'-'+cast(year(@dt) as varchar)+right('0'+ cast(month(@dt)as varchar),2) as id,
a.member_id as userid,
isnull(tgt.total_target,0.00) as mtdSalesTarget,isnull(sales.total_sales,0.00) - isnull(credit_note.total_credit_note, 0.00) as mtdSales,
when isnull(tgt.total_target,0.00) = 0 then 0
else isnull(sales.total_sales,0.00) / isnull(tgt.total_target,0.00) end * 100
as percentageOfAchievement,
cast(year(@dt) as varchar) as mtdYear,
right('0'+ cast(month(@dt)as varchar),2) as mtdMonth
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY member_id) AS TotalRowNumber, member_id FROM
SELECT member_id
member m inner join org o on m.org_id = o.org_id
where m.status ='Active'
and m.org_id = 'A000003'
and member_id = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
select m.member_id FROM on_behalf ob
inner join member m on ob.member_id = m.member_id
inner join on_behalf_access oba on ob.on_behalf_id = oba.on_behalf_id
inner join org o on m.org_id = o.org_id
where oba.member_id = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17' and
(@dt between ob.start_date and ob.end_date) and
m.status ='Active' and m.org_id = 'A000003'
) b
) a
left join (
select ih.member_id, sum(ih.currency_value) as total_sales from txn_invoice_history_header ih
year(invoice_date) = year(@dt) and month(invoice_date) = month(@dt)
and invoice_status <> 'Cancelled' and invoice_status <> 'Rejected'
and invoice_date <= @dt
group by ih.member_id
) sales on a.member_id = sales.member_id
left join (
select ch.member_id, sum(isnull(cast(ch.currency_value AS decimal(14,2)), 0.00)) as total_credit_note from txn_credit_note_history_header ch
year(credit_note_date) = year(@dt) and month(credit_note_date) = month(@dt)
and status <> 'Cancelled' and status <> 'Rejected'
and credit_note_date <= @dt
group by ch.member_id
) credit_note on a.member_id = credit_note.member_id
left join (
when month(@dt) = 1 then s.jan
when month(@dt) = 2 then s.feb
when month(@dt) = 3 then s.mar
when month(@dt) = 4 then s.apr
when month(@dt) = 5 then s.may
when month(@dt) = 6 then s.jun
when month(@dt) = 7 then s.jul
when month(@dt) = 8 then s.aug
when month(@dt) = 9 then s.sep
when month(@dt) = 10 then s.oct
when month(@dt) = 11 then s.nov
when month(@dt) = 12 then s.[dec]
) as total_target
from mst_sales_target s
where s.year = year(@dt)
--and (user_id = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17')
group by user_id
) tgt on tgt.user_id = a.member_id
select * from #temp_table
drop table #temp_table

As i check with Choung yu user Download once only
select created_date,* from sync_mobile_activity_log a where token_id= '6A55D676-F1F3-4374-9B23-DC3F2F333FCF'
Already Request user to upload mobile database fir further checking

#6 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Due date changed from 03/07/2024 to 05/07/2024

#7 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

-- My findings
Hi arif as I check from our side I notice that the invoice and credit note has been cancelled on that day
-- able to identify discrepency based on user screenshot that has been sent
-- as I asked technical team they claim this is the bug same as goldcrest based on the ticket
-- based on the explanation : the cancel invoice and cancelled cn did not calculate back to dashboard
-- for this case the cancelled invoice and CN already calculated on the dashboard
-- therefore i need your assistance on this ticket to verify on my finding

select * from member where member_id= '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
-- invoice
SELECT invoice_status, updated_date,created_date,*
FROM txn_invoice_history_header
WHERE updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
and invoice_no like '%240628%'
and invoice_status= 'cancelled'
AND updated_date BETWEEN CAST('2024-06-28 00:00:00' AS datetime) AND CAST('2024-06-29 00:00:00' AS datetime);
--INPRK06002514-240628= 272.98 updated_date= 2024-06-28 19:49:28.740
--INPRK06002504-240628= 142.14 updated_date= 2024-06-28 19:48:33.517
--INPRK06002506-240628 =96.30 Updated_date 2024-06-28 13:58:13.000
-- total = 511.42
select created_date, status,updated_by,updated_date,* from txn_credit_note_history_header where
updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
and status= 'cancelled'
AND updated_date BETWEEN CAST('2024-06-28 00:00:00' AS datetime) AND CAST('2024-06-29 00:00:00' AS datetime);
--CNPRK06001722-240628-17.40-- updated_date =2024-06-28 19:48:39.340
--CNPRK06001726-240628-63.72-- updated_date =2024-06-28 19:49:35.103
--CNPRK06001724-240628-45.34-- updated_date =2024-06-28 19:49:35.103

select 17.40+
45.34-- total credit note--> 126.46
--total discrepency
select 511.42- 126.46
-- User sent screenshot on 28/6 7:34pm the invoice sales Dashboard= 29277.43
-- User sent screenshot on 29/6 7:34pm the invoice sales Dashboard= 28892.47
-- discrepency
select 29277.43- 28892.47

-- there is no debit note
select status,* from txn_mobile_collection_debit_note where
updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
and status= 'cancelled'
select * from txn_sales_order_header
updated_by = '887F2022-E97C-4EB9-BACF-8777AEED8A17'
and status= 'cancelled'

--total cancelled sales order:
select 272.98+

#8 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Feedback to Support In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen to Muhammad Arif

#9 Updated by Muhammad Arif 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Escalated to Level 3

#10 Updated by Muhammad Arif 3 months ago

Hi @~Gabriel , upon checking, we find out the dashboard is showing different figure due to cancelled invoice and cancelled credit note. Below is the cancelled document list:
SOPRK06002506-240628 : 96.30
SOPRK06002514-240628 : 272.98
SOPRK06002504-240628 :142.14

CNPRK06001724-240628 : 45.34
CNPRK06001722-240628 : 17.40
CNPRK06001726-240628 : 63.72

but we noticed that the Datanory dashboard (mobile) did not automatically calculate back to dashboard after cancelled the document.
user need to download again to get the latest figure.
Hence, our technical team are working to resolve this issue

#11 Updated by Muhammad Arif 3 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Muhammad Arif to Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen

Azhar to follow up the fixes

#12 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

Click up Status: trial

Have to do testing on this

#13 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

Second Case Testing For Daily fresh

Used Goldcrest org to trail enviroment since the trail Daily fresh is not completely setup due to time constraint

Daily fresh:

Used goldcrest Org to verify:

Org_id= Goldcrest

User WWV

Customer: 3021/001

Created Credit note:

5073--> inital sale

Good return 3 ctn 250-BC01= 159.00

5073-159 = 4914

Went to portal convert the good return (GRWWV000004-240716)--> credit note CNGC000096-240716


Downloaded again

in the dashboard invoice sale become 4914

then I cancel int the web

The dashboard updated back to original amount - 5073

This before upload txn and good return

after the good return convert to Credit note

After the credit note is cancelled.

#14 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Escalated to Level 3 to Ready for Verification

#15 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Ready for Verification to Verification In Progress

#16 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Verification In Progress to Pending Client Verification

#17 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen about 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Actual Initial Response set to 01/07/2024
  • Resolution updated (diff)

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