


Production Ticket(ST) #12088

Snekku - hi @Azhar13 5P024 not location

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

1)checked user database

2) checked DMS system

3) replicate the issue

Root cause - user enquiry clarification

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



but user done it, and report shown

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-24 at 14.59.53_e7a30f7f.jpg (136 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-06-24 at 14.59.53_e7a30f7f.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 25/06/2024 09:23 AM
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-24 at 15.00.19_e19ce631.jpg (193 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-06-24 at 15.00.19_e19ce631.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 25/06/2024 09:23 AM (1010 KB) Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 26/06/2024 02:28 PM
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-26 at 12.34.36_c097cdfd.jpg (107 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-06-26 at 12.34.36_c097cdfd.jpg user that day do 2 edit customer, but 1 got update in web, 1 not Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 26/06/2024 02:34 PM


#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

Hi Rashdan this issue is regarding the salesman perform check in outlet (latitude and longitute) the customer module is not updated but the geofencing report the data is exist

As I checked with mei ling, currently the report get the latitude and longitude value from customer table, however, the address show 0 for latitude and longitude due to it pull data from mst_customer_contact_address

but as I simulate the issue in trail Snekku the longitude and latitude is exist in the mst_customer_contact_address but in production is not updated

Need your guidance on this ticket

--exec sp_executesql N'exec web_spCustomerToUserMasterDataListingPage @customer_id,@org_id',N'@customer_id nvarchar(32),@org_id nvarchar(6)',@customer_id=N'2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97',@org_id=N'SNEKKU'

--exec sp_executesql N'exec web_spCustomerToUserMasterDataListingPage @customer_id,@org_id',N'@customer_id nvarchar(32),@org_id nvarchar(6)',@customer_id=N'2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97',@org_id=N'SNEKKU'

--exec sp_executesql N'SELECT cust.customer_id, cust.master_account, cust.org_id, cust.customer_code, cust.distributor_customer_code, cust.customer_name, cust.customer_short_name,
--cust.channel_id, cust.chain_id, cust.cluster_id, cust.visit_frequency, cust.STATUS, cust.area, cust.distributor, cust.geolocation,, cust.contact_no, cust.pic,
--cust.file_name, cust.file_directory, cust.branch_id, cust.current_balance, cust.date_last_sales, cust.date_last_pay, cust.store_number, cust.line_discount_code, cust.special_instruction, cust.outstanding_order_value, cust.number_outstanding_order, cust.person_in_charge, cust.user_field, cust.customer_on_hold, cust.high_inv_days, cust.credit_limit, cust.terms_id, cust.price_id, cust.customer_class_id, cust.invoice_discount_id, cust.area_id, cust.buying_group_id_one, cust.buying_group_id_two, cust.buying_group_id_three, cust.salesperson_id, cust.tenant_id, cust.customer_type, cust.printing_doc, cust.auto_collection, cust.customer_contact_person, cust.reg_no, cust.salesman_id, cust_ma.customer_code AS master_account_code, cust.contact_no as tel_no, mcca.additional_tel_no as additional_tel_no, o.org_cd, o.org_name, s.state_code, s.state_desc, c.chain_code, c.chain_desc, ch.channel_code, ch.channel_desc, cl.cluster_code, cl.cluster_desc, b.branch_code, b.branch_desc, mm.member_id, mm.member_cd, mm.first_name + '' '' + mm.last_name AS Name, ct.terms_code, ct.terms_description, ct.terms_days, pc.price_code, cc.customer_class_code, cc.customer_class_description, mid.invoice_discount_code, ma.area_code, ma.area_description, bo.buying_group_one_code, bt.buying_group_two_code, bth.buying_group_three_code, bo.buying_group_one_desc,bt.buying_group_two_desc, bth.buying_group_three_desc, mm.first_name, mm.last_name, cy.country_code, case when isnumeric(isnull(mcca.latitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else mcca.latitude end AS la, case when isnumeric(isnull(mcca.longitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else mcca.longitude end AS lo, mcca.address1, mcca.address2, mcca.address3, mcca.address4, mcca.address5, mcca.state_id, mcca.country_id, mcca.radius, mcca.postcode, cy.country_code, mcca.region_id, sr.region_code, s.state_code, case when isnumeric(isnull(mcca.latitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else mcca.latitude end as latitude, case when isnumeric(isnull(mcca.longitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else mcca.longitude end longitude, m.member_id, cy.country_id AS country_id, mcca.region_id, s.state_id AS state_id, cu.customer_to_user_relation_id, mcca.customer_address_id, m.member_cd AS
--person_in_charge, ba.address1 AS billing_address_1, ba.address2 AS billing_address_2, ba.address3 AS billing_address_3, ba.address4 AS billing_address_4, ba.address5 AS
--billing_address_5, ba.state_id AS billing_state_id, ba.country_id AS billing_country_id, ba.radius AS billing_radius, ba.postcode AS billing_postcode, bac.country_code AS
--billing_country_code, bar.region_id AS billing_region_id, bar.region_code AS billing_region_desc, bas.state_code AS billing_state_desc, case when
--isnumeric(isnull(ba.latitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else ba.latitude end AS billing_la, case when isnumeric(isnull(ba.longitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else ba.longitude end AS
--billing_lo, sa.address1 AS shipping_address_1, sa.address2 AS shipping_address_2, sa.address3 AS shipping_address_3, sa.address4 AS shipping_address_4, sa.address5 AS
--shipping_address_5, sa.state_id AS shipping_state_id, sa.country_id AS shipping_country_id, sa.radius AS shipping_radius, case when isnumeric(isnull(sa.latitude,''''))=0 then
--''0'' else sa.latitude end AS shipping_latitude, case when isnumeric(isnull(sa.longitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else sa.longitude end AS shipping_longitude, sa.postcode AS
--shipping_postcode, sac.country_code AS shipping_country_code, sar.region_id AS shipping_region_id, sar.region_code AS shipping_region_desc, sas.state_code AS shipping_state_desc,
--case when isnumeric(isnull(sa.latitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else sa.latitude end AS shipping_la, case when isnumeric(isnull(sa.longitude,''''))=0 then ''0'' else sa.longitude end
--AS shipping_lo FROM[customer] cust(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN customer cust_ma(NOLOCK) ON cust_ma.customer_id = cust.master_account LEFT JOIN org o(NOLOCK) ON cust.org_id = o.org_id LEFT
--JOIN chain c(NOLOCK) ON cust.chain_id = c.chain_id LEFT JOIN channel ch(NOLOCK) ON cust.channel_id = ch.channel_id LEFT JOIN cluster cl(NOLOCK) ON cust.cluster_id = cl.cluster_id
--LEFT JOIN mst_branch b ON cust.branch_id = b.branch_id LEFT JOIN customer_to_user_relation cu ON cust.customer_id = cu.customer_id LEFT JOIN member mm ON cu.user_id = mm.member_id LEFT JOIN customer_attachment ca ON ca.customer_id = cust.customer_id LEFT JOIN member m ON cust.salesperson_id = m.member_id LEFT JOIN mst_terms_code ct ON cust.terms_id = ct.terms_id LEFT JOIN mst_price_code pc ON cust.price_id = pc.price_id LEFT JOIN mst_customer_class cc ON cust.customer_class_id = cc.customer_class_id LEFT JOIN mst_invoice_discount mid ON cust.invoice_discount_id = mid.invoice_discount_id LEFT JOIN mst_area ma ON cust.area_id = ma.area_id LEFT JOIN mst_customer_remarks mcr ON cust.customer_id = mcr.customer_id LEFT JOIN mst_buying_group_one bo ON cust.buying_group_id_one = bo.buying_group_id_one LEFT JOIN mst_buying_group_two bt ON cust.buying_group_id_two = bt.buying_group_id_two LEFT JOIN mst_buying_group_three bth ON cust.buying_group_id_three = bth.buying_group_id_three LEFT JOIN mst_customer_contact_address mcca ON cust.customer_id = mcca.customer_id AND mcca.address_type = ''Contact'' LEFT JOIN country cy ON mcca.country_id = cy.country_id LEFT JOIN mst_region sr(NOLOCK) ON mcca.region_id = sr.region_id LEFT JOIN STATE s(NOLOCK) ON mcca.state_id = s.state_id LEFT JOIN mst_customer_contact_address ba ON cust.customer_id = ba.customer_id AND ba.address_type = ''Billing'' LEFT JOIN country bac ON bac.country_id = ba.country_id LEFT JOIN mst_region bar ON bar.region_id = ba.region_id LEFT JOIN STATE bas ON bas.state_id = ba.state_id LEFT JOIN mst_customer_contact_address sa ON cust.customer_id = sa.customer_id AND sa.address_type = ''Shipping'' LEFT JOIN country sac ON sac.country_id = sa.country_id LEFT JOIN mst_region sar ON sar.region_id = sa.region_id LEFT JOIN STATE sas ON sas.state_id = sa.state_id WHERE cust.customer_id = @customer_id ',N'@customer_id nvarchar(32)'

select updated_date,updated_by, latitude,longitude,* from mst_customer_contact_address where customer_id= '2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97' order by created_date desc -- latitude and longitude empty
select a.at_date,a.at_type, a.latitude,a.longitude,* from mst_customer_contact_address_at a where customer_id= '2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97' order by a.at_date desc -- latitude and longitude empty

select updated_date,process_id,* from di_mobile_txn_salesman_route_at where customer_id= '2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97' order by at_date desc
select a.updated_date,* from di_mobile_txn_salesman_route a where customer_id= '2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97' order by a.updated_date desc

select * from di_mobile_txn_check_in where process_id= '669e935b-f695-4d51-b00e-cfa9ca94d5d9'
select * from di_mobile_txn_check_out where process_id= '669e935b-f695-4d51-b00e-cfa9ca94d5d9'

select latitude,longitude,* from customer where customer_code= '5p024'--> ada location
select a.at_date,a.at_type, a.latitude,a.longitude,a.created_date,* from customer_at a where customer_code= '5p024' order by a.at_date desc--> ada location

select updated_date,updated_by, latitude,longitude,* from mst_customer_contact_address 
where customer_id= '2699AD59C1E54650ADAE576DAD2F5B97' order by created_date desc -- latitude and longitude empty

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen to Rashdan Hussin

#3 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#4 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

select updated_date,* from di_mobile_txn_new_customer where updated_by = 'd02736b726d94e5da466291f751f12b7' and org_id = 'snekku' order by created_date desc

select updated_date,updated_by, latitude,longitude,* from mst_customer_contact_address where updated_by = 'd02736b726d94e5da466291f751f12b7' and customer_id= '9C309E9897E24A2FBD3BBC4899F84EA7' order by created_date desc

As I checked in the database for MN9 user they upload customer details for 20605 user only but u ser claimed they upload two customer at one time. there might be two suspect one is
user did not upload at all for 5P024 or
during the upload process there might be disruption in the network.
user that day do 2 edit customer, but 1 got update in web, 1 not

#5 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 3 months ago

  • Assignee changed from Rashdan Hussin to Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen

#6 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Monitoring to Ticket Resolved
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Actual Initial Response set to 27/06/2024
  • Resolution updated (diff)

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