


Production Ticket(ST) #12049

Goldfresh - Hi pls check, why is the problem coming back?

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago. Updated 2 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

1) checked the database
2) checked mobile database

3) escalated to technical team to further check on this

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 10.20.15_7e71ddeb.jpg (28.9 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 10.20.15_7e71ddeb.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 19/06/2024 02:28 PM
Sp_Download_invoice_details.png (28.7 KB) Sp_Download_invoice_details.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 19/06/2024 05:14 PM
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 17.16.03_95190cca.jpg (54.9 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-06-19 at 17.16.03_95190cca.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 21/06/2024 12:48 PM
Products.png (42.8 KB) Products.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 21/06/2024 06:01 PM
Web_portal_incorrect_calculation.png (109 KB) Web_portal_incorrect_calculation.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 10/07/2024 02:25 PM
Invoice_detail_history.txt (543 Bytes) Invoice_detail_history.txt Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 10/07/2024 02:25 PM
Invoice_goldcrest.jpg (41.3 KB) Invoice_goldcrest.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 10/07/2024 02:25 PM
SKU_boboi.png (30.8 KB) SKU_boboi.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 10/07/2024 02:25 PM
WhatsApp Image 2024-07-12 at 15.30.03_2ee2ba8f.jpg (25.9 KB) WhatsApp Image 2024-07-12 at 15.30.03_2ee2ba8f.jpg Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 12/07/2024 03:27 PM
BOBOI_2.png (76.3 KB) BOBOI_2.png Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 15/07/2024 03:12 PM
Boboi1.pdf (57 KB) Boboi1.pdf Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen, 15/07/2024 03:12 PM


#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

as we check from our side we notice that there are 5 items,
we we have run the SP on this particular invoice INMCJ000070-240328

----Temp table for on_behalf
--Select customer_id, oba.member_id as user_id, ob.member_id as salesman_id Into #on_behalf from on_behalf_access_customer obc
--Inner Join on_behalf_access oba On oba.access_id = obc.access_id
--Inner Join on_behalf ob On ob.on_behalf_id = obc.on_behalf_id Where ob.status = 'Active' and oba.member_id = '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad' and (GetDate() between ob.start_date and ob.end_date)

-- select CASE status
-- WHEN 'Active' THEN 'Insert/Update' END as action,
-- invoice_id as invoice_id, Invoice as docNo, item_id, uom_code, qty, price, subtotal, qty_bal, so_discount_amount, total_discount
-- from(

-- SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY invoice_id , sales_order_line ) AS TotalRowNumber,
-- invoice_no as Invoice, sales_order_line as SalesOrderLine
-- , item_id as item_id, product_uom_code as uom_code, qty_invoiced as qty, return_qty_balance as qty_bal, mprice as price, line_total as subtotal, status, invoice_id, ISNULL as so_discount_amount, ISNULL as total_discount
-- from(
-- select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
-- d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
-- inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
-- --end version
-- left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
-- where h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
-- and exists (Select 1 from customer_to_user_relation(nolock) cr where cr.customer_id= h.customer_id and cr.user_id= '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad'
-- and convert(date,getdate()) between start_date and end_date)
-- group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- Union

-- -- Modify on 20230926 (Download Sub Account data)
-- select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
-- d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
-- inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
-- inner join customer c on c.customer_id = h.customer_id
-- left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
-- inner join org o on o.org_id = h.org_id
-- WHERE h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest' and o.master_acc_billing = 'Yes'
-- and exists (Select 1 from customer_to_user_relation(nolock) cr where cr.user_id= '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad' and cr.customer_id = c.master_account)
-- group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- Union
-- --Details for on behalf salesman
-- select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
-- d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
-- inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
-- --version arif 20220317
-- and h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
-- --end version
-- left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
-- where h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
-- and exists (Select 1 from #on_behalf(nolock) obc Where obc.customer_id = h.customer_id)

-- group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date

-- Union

-- -- Modify on 20230926 (Download Sub Account data)
-- --Details for on behalf salesman
-- select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
-- d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
-- inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id

-- --version arif 20220317
-- --and h.invoice_id='9b682788-5274-411b-8fb9-ea3005721a0f'
-- --end version
-- left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
-- inner join customer c on c.customer_id = h.customer_id
-- inner join org o on o.org_id = h.org_id
-- WHERE h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest' and o.master_acc_billing = 'Yes'
-- and exists (Select 1 from #on_behalf(nolock) obc where c.master_account = obc.customer_id)
-- group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date

-- )x where Convert(varchar(10), updated_date, 120) >= Convert(varchar(10), DATEADD), 120) OR invoice_balance > 0

-- )v
-- where TotalRowNumber between
-- (1*999999)+1-999999and 1 * 999999
-- --and v.invoice_id= '9b682788-5274-411b-8fb9-ea3005721a0f';

-- Create temp table for on_behalf
Select customer_id, oba.member_id as user_id, ob.member_id as salesman_id
Into #on_behalf
from on_behalf_access_customer obc
Inner Join on_behalf_access oba On oba.access_id = obc.access_id
Inner Join on_behalf ob On ob.on_behalf_id = obc.on_behalf_id
Where ob.status = 'Active'
and oba.member_id = '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad'
and (GetDate() between ob.start_date and ob.end_date);

-- Main query with filter for specific invoice_id
select CASE status
WHEN 'Active' THEN 'Insert/Update' END as action,
invoice_id as invoice_id,
Invoice as docNo,
from (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY invoice_id , sales_order_line ) AS TotalRowNumber,
invoice_no as Invoice,
sales_order_line as SalesOrderLine,
item_id as item_id,
product_uom_code as uom_code,
qty_invoiced as qty,
return_qty_balance as qty_bal,
mprice as price,
line_total as subtotal,
ISNULL as so_discount_amount,
ISNULL as total_discount
from (
select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance,
d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
inner join product_item pro on pro.item_id= d.item_id
left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
where h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
and exists (Select 1 from customer_to_user_relation(nolock) cr
where cr.customer_id= h.customer_id
and cr.user_id= '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad'
and convert(date,getdate()) between start_date and end_date)
group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no,
d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date,
h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date

-- Modify on 20230926 (Download Sub Account data)
select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance,
d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
inner join customer c on c.customer_id = h.customer_id
left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
inner join org o on o.org_id = h.org_id
WHERE h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
and o.master_acc_billing = 'Yes'
and exists (Select 1 from customer_to_user_relation(nolock) cr
where cr.user_id= '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad'
and cr.customer_id = c.master_account)
group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no,
d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date,
h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
--Details for on behalf salesman
select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance,
d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
where h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
and exists (Select 1 from #on_behalf(nolock) obc
where obc.customer_id = h.customer_id)
group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no,
d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date,
h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
-- Modify on 20230926 (Download Sub Account data)
--Details for on behalf salesman
select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, d.sales_order_line, d.item_id, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance,
d.mprice, d.line_total, m.product_uom_code, 'Active' as status, h.invoice_date, h.invoice_balance,
d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
from txn_invoice_history_detail(nolock) d
inner join txn_invoice_history_header(nolock) h on h.invoice_id=d.invoice_id
left join mst_product_uom(nolock) m on m.product_uom_id = d.morder_uom
inner join customer c on c.customer_id = h.customer_id
inner join org o on o.org_id = h.org_id
WHERE h.tenant_id = 'Goldcrest'
and o.master_acc_billing = 'Yes'
and exists (Select 1 from #on_behalf(nolock) obc
where c.master_account = obc.customer_id)
group by d.item_id, m.product_uom_code, d.mprice, d.line_total, h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no,
d.sales_order_line, d.qty_invoiced, d.return_qty_balance, h.invoice_date,
h.invoice_balance, d.web_add_disc_amount, d.web_product_total_disc, h.updated_date
) x
where Convert(varchar(10), updated_date, 120) >= Convert(varchar(10), DATEADD(MONTH, -2, GetDate()), 120)
OR invoice_balance > 0
) v
where TotalRowNumber between (1 * 999999) + 1 - 999999 and 1 * 999999
and invoice_id = '9b682788-5274-411b-8fb9-ea3005721a0f';

--drop Table #on_behalf

Already asked tech team ( shu ern for Advise)
waiting for the feedback

#3 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

As I checked for this particular invoice there is 5 item Under SP

Need your confirmation on this matter


#5 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Escalated to Level 3
  • Resolution updated (diff)

#6 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Escalated to Level 3 to Pending Client Verification
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Actual Initial Response set to 19/06/2024

#7 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

Goldcrest has raised an escalation regarding an incorrect calculation in the web portal for invoice INWWQ000963-240619.
Upon review, the total should be calculated as 24×3×2.2083=158.997624 which should be rounded to 159.00. However, the portal shows 159.12 instead.
We need assistance from the technical team to address this issue.

Goldcrest has raised an escalation regarding incorrect invoice quantities during the mobile upload process for invoice INWWQ000963-240619.
Upon review, the SKU setup appears to be correct for all items in this invoice. The specific SKUs in question are:
The UOM stock is set to CTN with a conversion factor of 24. Each SKU ordered should total 72 pieces (3 CTN each), and for 250-BC01, the total should be 24 pieces. However, on the mobile device, it shows 576 and 192 pieces, respectively and for
250-BC01 is 192 pieces
We need assistance from the technical team to address this escalation. Please find the attached Files for reference.

#9 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

testing data V4.14-Trial.0

Org_id : Goldcrest

User: MCJ

Invoice NO: INMCJ000034-240715

as on the tested the total amount in the mobile is same as in the portal

#11 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Ready for Verification to Verification In Progress> this ticket we found it internally, this ticket already resolved
as we checked the numbers are appears correct.

Case Closed

#12 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 2 months ago

  • Status changed from Verification In Progress to Ticket Resolved

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