


Production Ticket(ST) #11839

DailyFresh- D,putra & warisan infak dlm hh ada 2 buang 1 ok

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago. Updated 3 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

1) checked in the mobile
2)checked in the database (we found that there is duplicated the route plan)
3) as a temporary fix already deleted the duplicated one with help of ching yu
4)For permanent fixes, already escalated to technical team for further checkin on this.

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



Hi Technical Team. Double cstmr in handheld. Can delete one?


#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Pending Client Feedback

Requested user to upload database for further checking

select * from customer where customer_code= 'ASCS1208'
select * from customer where customer_name like '%warisan infak%'
-- I notice there is 1

select * from customer_to_user_relation where customer_id= '83365ef6-8527-4af0-8e39-94e7c76a06b1'-- D''PUTRA MART
select * from member where member_id= '0E40E164-1372-433B-8227-60C44DBAD7A0'
select * from member where member_id= 'ECD07AEB-D7FF-4A18-90A0-A12A3F8B3824'
select * from customer_to_user_relation where customer_id= '461a2c9e-180d-4ade-86a4-b5fe933bad80'-- warisan infak
select * from member where org_id= 'A000003' and member_cd='admin'
select * from member where member_id= 'ECD07AEB-D7FF-4A18-90A0-A12A3F8B3824'
select * from mst_route where org_id= 'A000003' and member_id= '0E40E164-1372-433B-8227-60C44DBAD7A0' and month= 5 and customer_id= '83365ef6-8527-4af0-8e39-94e7c76a06b1'
select * from mst_route where org_id= 'A000003' and member_id= '0E40E164-1372-433B-8227-60C44DBAD7A0' and month= 5 and customer_id= '461a2c9e-180d-4ade-86a4-b5fe933bad80'

#3 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

  • Project changed from Datanory to Datanory - DAILYFRESH

#4 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

User faced issue that they could not upload database

already requested user to send screen recording for further checking

#5 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

Hi Technical Team. Why the same cstmr double for tomorrow? As per last week.

Same cstmr. AST17

#6 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Feedback to Escalated to Level 3
  • Resolution updated (diff)

Delete from mst_route where route_summary_id in(
select route_summary_id from (
select route_summary_id,customer_id,member_id,date,org_id,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by customer_id,member_id,date,org_id order by date)rn
from mst_route with (nolock) where org_id='A000003'
)x where rn<>1

select * into DMS_Ecosystem_Backup_Table.dbo._mst_route_20240529
from DMS_EcoSystem.dbo.mst_route

#7 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

ClickUp Status: expected to deploy 21 june 2024

#8 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

Testing Has to be done on this

Steps need to do
-- Create plan route with duplicate customer outlet
Expected result: duplicated customer outlet will have error message, and unable to insert into DB

#9 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Escalated to Level 3 to Pending Client Verification

#10 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 3 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Esclation Time set to 28/05/2024
  • Actual Initial Response set to 28/05/2024

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