


Production Ticket(ST) #11774

GOLDCREST - Collection didn't reflect to autocount and datanory

Added by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

1) Check the collection in sql database.
2) Found only insert in di table.
3) Try check the collection upload one by one
4) All data can showed. No issue.
5) Insert collection manually into actual table.

Root cause: Possibility of dead lock.

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



Hi pls check, Collection didn't reflect to autocount and datanory


#1 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

select * from member where member_cd = 'mcj'

select * from txn_mobile_collection_header where col_no like '%CCMCJ000359%'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice where inv_id = '21ccecfa-3e63-4b7c-b3ba-2fb5831c2c67'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice where inv_id = '10c5b148-2b9d-45d2-b800-69a19f596ccc'

select * from di_mobile_txn_collection_header where doc_no = 'CCMCJ000359-240521'
select * from di_mobile_txn_collection_header where doc_no = 'CCMCJ000360-240521'

select * from di_mobile_txn_collection_header where process_id = '085d92ee-314a-4020-a22a-480b7dbaaaf2'
select * from di_mobile_txn_collection_invoices where process_id = '085d92ee-314a-4020-a22a-480b7dbaaaf2'

select * from txn_invoice_history_header where invoice_id = '21ccecfa-3e63-4b7c-b3ba-2fb5831c2c67'

select * from txn_type_running_no where txn_id = '9c4a3e05-52a7-4195-9f2c-c9302f125e18'

#2 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago

Select ci.collection_invoices_id, Max(ci.collection_id), ci.invoice_id, '', Max(ihh.invoice_balance), Max(isnull(ci.paid, 0)), Max(isnull(ci.paid, 0)),
Max(ihh.invoice_balance-isnull(ci.paid, 0)),
Case when Max(ci.collection_status) = 'Cancelled' then Max(ci.collection_status) else (Case When 'Van Sales' = 'Van Sales' Then 'Auto-Approved' Else 'Pending' End) end as status,
Max(ci.created_date), '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad', GetDate(), '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad', 'GOLDCREST', 'GOLDCREST'
From #upload_temp_di_mobile_txn_collection_invoices ci
Left Join (Select invoice_id, a.currency_value - sum(isnull(b.web_paid, 0)) as invoice_balance from txn_invoice_history_header a
left join txn_mobile_collection_invoice b on a.invoice_id = b.inv_id
--update by arid 20240325 start
where b.status in ('Approved','Auto-Approved','Pending')
--update by arid 20240325 start
group by invoice_id, a.currency_value) ihh On ihh.invoice_id = ci.invoice_id
Where not exists (Select 1 from txn_mobile_collection_invoice mci where mci.col_inv_id = ci.collection_invoices_id)
and IsNull(ci.invoice_id, '') <> '' and cast(ci.process_id as varchar(50)) = '085d92ee-314a-4020-a22a-480b7dbaaaf2' and cast(isnull(ci.paid, 0) as decimal(18,2)) <> 0

Group By ci.transaction_id,ci.invoice_id, ci.collection_invoices_id;

#3 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago

select * from txn_mobile_collection_header where col_no = 'CCMCJ000359-240521'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_detail where col_id = 'a03a1b5d-2295-46e2-aafd-5ef7fa8ef8a3'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice where col_id = 'a03a1b5d-2295-46e2-aafd-5ef7fa8ef8a3'
select * from txn_collection_approval_history where collection_id = 'a03a1b5d-2295-46e2-aafd-5ef7fa8ef8a3'
select * from txn_invoice_history_header where invoice_id = '21ccecfa-3e63-4b7c-b3ba-2fb5831c2c67'

select * from txn_mobile_collection_header where col_no = 'CCMCJ000360-240521'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_detail where col_id = 'b161f507-2bb7-444a-89c8-fcc3aa1d28f0'
select * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice where col_id = 'b161f507-2bb7-444a-89c8-fcc3aa1d28f0'
select * from txn_collection_approval_history where collection_id = 'b161f507-2bb7-444a-89c8-fcc3aa1d28f0'
select * from txn_invoice_history_header where invoice_id = '10c5b148-2b9d-45d2-b800-69a19f596ccc'

- Both collection, CCMCJ000359-240521 and CCMCJ000360-240521 already insert into datanory.
But now the problem is invoice balance for INMCJ000006-240318 is negative. Root cause is this invoice already knocked off before but recently there is integration api update the invoice balance become initial balance. So, user do another collection. Calculation get amount from previous balance of collection if any. Thats why invoice balance for INMCJ000006-240318 is negative now.

- Need to check at autocount because the invoice balance updated by integration.

#4 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago

Previously, invoice INMCJ000006-240318 already do collection CCMCJ000004-240318 but cancelled. But the invoice balance in collection invoice table not change to initial balance.

#5 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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