


Production Ticket(ST) #11477

Goldcrest- Hi, invoice and collection didn't reflect in autocount

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago. Updated 5 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P2 - High
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

Based on the integration flow. Customer details has to perform simultaneosly on autoocount as well as datanory. For this case user created in datanory mobile or web but they did not do in the autocount. as a solution we already asked user to create customer exactly same as datanory so that the integration will flow and reflect to autocount.

Root cause- user operational issue.

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:




#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago

-- identify the

select * from customer where org_id = 'goldcrest' and customer_code = '301r/093'
select * from member where org_id = 'goldcrest'

--------------------------------------------Sales Order--------------------------------------------
--Found sales order SOJNL001363-240416
select b.customer_code, * from txn_sales_order_header a
inner join customer b on a.customer_id = b.customer_id
where a.org_id = 'goldcrest'
--and a.member_id = '2c9e40b5f5904775b71192b8fd8b71ad'
and a.customer_id = '60583b26-1786-4748-8021-e6109d2e0885'

-- Found in the invoice header
select * from txn_invoice_history_header
where org_id = 'goldcrest'
and invoice_no = 'INJNL001501-240416'

select at_date, at_type, * from txn_invoice_history_header_at
where org_id = 'goldcrest'
and invoice_no = 'INJNL001501-240416' order by created_date desc


select * from txn_invoice_history_header
where org_id = 'goldcrest'

and invoice_id = 'c7d6cdaa-4142-4cb0-9f89-29fccbd8694e'

select c.customer_code, b.customer_id, b.invoice_no, * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice a
inner join txn_invoice_history_header b on a.inv_id = b.invoice_id
inner join customer c on b.customer_id = c.customer_id
where a.org_id = 'goldcrest'
and c.customer_code ='301r/093'

select c.customer_code, * from txn_mobile_collection_header a
inner join txn_mobile_header b on a.txn_id = b.txn_id
inner join customer c on b.customer_id = c.customer_id
where a.org_id = 'goldcrest' and a.col_id= '7548864b-ef29-4337-8856-850a1db183be'

-- Found collection
select * from txn_mobile_collection_invoice_at
where org_id = 'goldcrest'

and col_id= '7548864b-ef29-4337-8856-850a1db183be'

--at_type I
select * from txn_mobile_collection_header_at
where org_id = 'goldcrest'

and col_id= '7548864b-ef29-4337-8856-850a1db183be'

--CCJNL001331-240416 collection number

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#3 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Pending Client Verification
  • Resolution updated (diff)

#4 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago

  • Resolution updated (diff)

#5 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 5 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Actual Initial Response set to 18/04/2024

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