


Production Ticket(ST) #11184

Daily Fresh - we just set up TRG branch during the weekend... when i'm not around, supervisor said they are unable to approve the van good request

Added by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P2 - High
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

We already done the patching process, this escalation should be monitor and find the route cause on why the the van good request has not gone in datanory web. Will discuss with technical team on the route cause.

Root cause unknown

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



-- user is TRG03, supervisor is TRG01


#1 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress

#2 Updated by Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Ticket Resolved
  • Type set to Support Request
  • Actual Initial Response set to 11/01/2024
  • Resolution updated (diff)

Insert Into txn_van_goods_request_approval_history([id], [van_goods_request_id], [member_id], [status], [status_date], [remark], [approval_flow_id], [approval_type],[approval_sequence], [created_date], [created_by], [updated_date], [updated_by], [org_id], [tenant_id])

Select newid() as [id],
vgr.van_goods_request_hdr_id transaction_id,
afa.member_id as [member_id],
'Pending' as [status],
GetDate() as [status_date],
vgr.remarks [remark],
afa.approval_flow_id as [approval_flow_id],
'Y' as [approval_type],
afa.level as [approval_sequence],
GetDate() as [created_date],
vgr.salesman_id as [created_by],
GetDate() as [updated_date],
vgr.salesman_id as [updated_by],
vgr.org_id as [org_id],
vgr.tenant_id as [tenant_id]

--select vgr.van_goods_request_hdr_id
from (select distinct van_goods_request_hdr_id, '' as remarks, salesman_id, org_id, tenant_id, process_id from di_txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header where van_goods_request_no like '%trg%') vgr
Left Join member m On m.member_id = vgr.salesman_id
left join member_branch mb on m.member_id = mb.member_id
inner join (
Select afa.* from approval_flow_approver afa
where exists (Select 1 from approval_flow af Where af.activity = 'Van Goods Request'
and convert(date,getdate()) between af.start_date and af.end_date and afa.approval_flow_id=af.approval_flow_id and af.status = 'Active') and afa.status= 'Active'
) afa On exists (select 1 from approval_flow_branch afb where afb.branch_id=mb.branch_id and afa.approval_flow_id=afb.approval_flow_id and afb.status = 'Active')
Where vgr.process_id in (select process_id from di_txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header where van_goods_request_no like '%trg%')
and not exists (Select 1 from txn_van_goods_transfer_approval_history rah Where rah.transfer_hdr_id = vgr.van_goods_request_hdr_id)
order by vgr.van_goods_request_hdr_id, afa.level


select top 10 * from di_txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header where van_goods_request_no=''
select * from approval_flow where org_id='A000003' and information_desc like '%trg%'
select * from member where member_cd='admin' and org_id='A000003'
Select b.member_cd, afa.* from approval_flow_approver afa 
inner join member b on afa.member_id=b.member_id
where exists (Select 1 from approval_flow af Where af.activity = 'Van Goods Request'
and convert(date,getdate()) between af.start_date and af.end_date and afa.approval_flow_id=af.approval_flow_id and af.status = 'Active')
and afa.status= 'Active' and afa.org_id='a000003' --and member_id='6A00BFD2-0125-47AA-BA3F-283E4BA0AD9D'
select * from txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header  where van_goods_request_no='VQTRG03000001-240309'
select * from txn_van_goods_request_approval_history where van_goods_request_id='06e7a0db-cde0-4e7d-9cfc-61df0e3cc8a9'
select a.van_goods_request_no, a.updated_date [updated header1], a.created_date [created Header 2], b.created_date [approval 1], b.status_date[approval 2], b.updated_date [approval 3] 
from txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header a
inner join txn_van_goods_request_approval_history b on a.van_goods_request_hdr_id=b.van_goods_request_id
where van_goods_request_no like '%trg%'
select a.van_goods_request_no, a.updated_date [updated header1], a.created_date [created Header 2], b.created_date [approval 1], b.status_date[approval 2], b.updated_date [approval 3] 
from txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header a
inner join txn_van_goods_request_approval_history b on a.van_goods_request_hdr_id=b.van_goods_request_id
where van_goods_request_no like '%trg%'
--select * into txn_van_goods_request_approval_history_2240311 from txn_van_goods_request_approval_history
-- select a.van_goods_request_no, a.updated_date [updated header1], a.created_date [created Header 2], b.created_date [approval 1], b.status_date[approval 2], b.updated_date [approval 3]
--update b set b.status_date=a.updated_date, b.created_date = a.updated_date, b.updated_date=a.updated_date
--from txn_mobile_van_goods_request_header a
--inner join txn_van_goods_request_approval_history b on a.van_goods_request_hdr_id=b.van_goods_request_id
--where van_goods_request_no like '%trg%'

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