


Production Ticket(ST) #10878

Oromeo - Assistance Required: Data Update and Patching Requests

Added by Rashdan Hussin 8 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Spent time:
Job Remark:
Ticket Logged Date:
Ticket No.:
Related Ticket ID:
Support Request
SLA Initial Response:
SLA Delivery:
Esclation Time:
Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

1) Replace all the LOTUS''S in customer_name and customer_short_name column to LOTUS'S.
2) Edit the users' data manually at client portal follow by new users list provided.
3) Query all data for Users, Customers and SKUs and export to excel

Root cause: Client enquiry and clarification.

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



Dear Afiq,

Based on details shared by Grace, please assist to:

1. Remove customer Lotus”s double quotes and replace with 1 quotes only.
2. Re-import the User List based on updated attached User List Template. For the Vacant, please leave it vacant and set to Inactive. Also please set user Shamil Aizat to Vacant and set it to Inactive.
3. Patch Yee Lee’s customer based on the Updated Customer GPS Location Address attached. Please be advised to filter Column E and only patch those with “Malaysia” only, as 50 of the Yee Lee’s customers is unidentified and don’t need to patch.
4. Provide us the updated Oromeo’s Master Data including SKU, Customer, User, Route Plan.


Warm Regards


#1 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 8 months ago

  • Status changed from Assigned To to Support In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

#2 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 8 months ago

  • Project changed from Datanory Trial to Datanory Production

#3 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 8 months ago

  • Due date changed from 08/02/2024 to 07/02/2024
  • Status changed from Support In Progress to Pending Client Verification
  • % Done changed from 50 to 90
  • SLA Delivery set to 07/02/2024
  • Esclation Time set to 05/02/2024
  • Actual Initial Response set to 31/01/2024
  • Resolution updated (diff)

Remove customer Lotus”s double quotes and replace with 1 quotes only.

select *
from customer
where org_id = 'oromeo' and customer_name like 'LOTUS''''S%'
--where org_id = 'oromeo' and chain_id = 'D3D10ED2-B4B6-4C3B-9BBE-E780FDB0ED3B'

select *
into _customer_240202
from customer

UPDATE customer
SET customer_short_name = REPLACE
WHERE org_id = 'oromeo' and customer_name like 'LOTUS''S%'

select REPLACE from customer where org_id = 'oromeo' and customer_name like 'LOTUS''S%'

Remove user

select *
from member
where org_id = 'oromeo' and member_cd like '2%'

select *
into _member_240202
from member

delete from member
where org_id = 'oromeo' and member_cd like '2%'

User Template

member_cd as [member_code],
first_name as [first_name],
isnull(last_name,'') as [last_name],
gender as [gender],
isnull(email,'') as [email],
login_id as [login_id],
password as [password],
isnull(c.title_cd,'') as [title],
isnull(b.designation_cd,'') as [designation],
isnull(d.tel_no,'') as [tel_no],
isnull(d.fax_no,'') as [fax_no],
isnull(e.access_control_cd,'') as [mobile_access],
sales_type as [sales_type],
isnull(mt.member_type_code,'') as [member_type],
f.ug_cd as [usergroup_code],
STRING_AGG (h.branch_code,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY h.branch_code) as [branch_code],
isnull(i.country_code,'') as [country],
isnull(j.state_code,'') as [state],
isnull(d.address1,'') as [address_1],
isnull(d.address2,'') as [address_2],
isnull(d.address3,'') as [address_3],
isnull(d.postcode,'') as [postcode]
from member (nolock) a
left join member_contact_address (nolock) d on a.member_id = d.member_id
left join mobile_access_control (nolock) e on a.mobile_access_control_id = e.access_control_id
left join member_type (nolock) mt on a.member_type_id = mt.member_type_id
left join user_group (nolock) f on a.ug_id = f.ug_id
left join member_branch (nolock) g on a.member_id = g.member_id
left join mst_branch (nolock) h on g.branch_id = h.branch_id
left join country (nolock) i on d.country_id = i.country_id
left join state (nolock) j on d.state_id = j.state_id
left join title (nolock) c on a.title_id = c.title_id
left join designation (nolock) b on a.designation_id = b.designation_id
where a.org_id ='oromeo'
a.member_cd, a.first_name, a.last_name, a.gender,, a.dob, a.login_id,
a.password, c.title_cd, b.designation_cd, d.tel_no, d.fax_no, e.access_control_cd,
a.sales_type, mt.member_type_code, f.ug_cd, i.country_code, j.state_code,
d.address1, d.address2, d.address3, d.postcode
order by member_cd

Customer Template

a.customer_code as [customer_code],
a.customer_name as [customer_name],
a.customer_short_name as [customer_short_name],
b.branch_code as [branch_code],
STRING_AGG (ltrim(rtrim(isnull(m.first_name,'')+' '+isnull(m.last_name,''))),',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ltrim(rtrim(isnull(m.first_name,'')+' '+isnull(m.last_name,'')))) as [person_in_charge],
--a.person_in_charge as [person_in_charge],
ct.terms_code as [terms_code],
a.store_number as [store_number],
pc.price_code as [price_code],
mid.invoice_discount_code as [invoice_discount_code],
ma.area_code as [area_code],
a.special_instruction as [special_instruction],
a.contact_no as [tel_no],
a.pic as [pic],
mca.additional_tel_no as [additional_tel_no],
a.customer_on_hold as [customer_on_hold],
c.chain_code as [chain_code],
ch.channel_code as [channel_code],
cl.cluster_code as [cluster_code],
a.status as [status],
mca.address1 as [address1],
mca.address2 as [address2],
mca.address3 as [address3],
mca.address4 as [address4],
mca.address5 as [address5],
cy.country_code as [country_code],
s.state_code as [state_code],
mca.postcode as [postcode],
a.latitude as [latitude],
a.longitude as [longitude],
mca.radius as [radius],
r.region_code as [region_code]
from Customer (nolock) a
inner join mst_branch (nolock) b on a.branch_id=b.branch_id and b.org_id= a.org_id
inner join state (nolock) s on a.state_id=s.state_id and s.org_id = a.org_id
inner join chain (nolock) c on a.chain_id=c.chain_id and c.org_id= a.org_id
inner join channel (nolock) ch on a.channel_id=ch.channel_id and ch.org_id= a.org_id
inner join cluster (nolock) cl on a.cluster_id=cl.cluster_id and cl.org_id= a.org_id and cl.channel_id = ch.channel_id
inner join country (nolock) cy on a.country_id=cy.country_id and cy.org_id= a.org_id
inner join mst_area (nolock) ma on a.area_id=ma.area_id and ma.org_id= a.org_id and b.branch_id = ma.branch_id
inner join mst_terms_code (nolock) ct on a.terms_id=ct.terms_id and ct.org_id= a.org_id
inner join mst_price_code (nolock) pc on a.price_id=pc.price_id and pc.org_id= a.org_id
inner join mst_invoice_discount (nolock) mid on a.invoice_discount_id= mid.invoice_discount_id and mid.org_id= a.org_id
inner join mst_customer_contact_address (nolock) mca on mca.customer_id=a.customer_id and mca.org_id=c.org_id and mca.address_type='Contact'
inner join mst_region (nolock) r on r.region_id = mca.region_id and r.org_id = a.org_id
left join customer_to_user_relation (nolock) cur on cur.customer_id=a.customer_id and cur.org_id=c.org_id
left join member (nolock) m on m.member_id=cur.user_id and m.org_id=c.org_id
where a.org_id='oromeo'
a.customer_code, a.customer_name, a.customer_short_name, b.branch_code,
ct.terms_code, a.store_number, pc.price_code, mid.invoice_discount_code,
ma.area_code, a.special_instruction, a.contact_no, a.pic, mca.additional_tel_no,
a.customer_on_hold, c.chain_code, ch.channel_code, cl.cluster_code, a.status,
mca.address1, mca.address2, mca.address3, mca.address4, mca.address5,
cy.country_code, s.state_code, mca.postcode, a.latitude, a.longitude, mca.radius, r.region_code
order by a.customer_code

SKU_Info Template

select *
from product_item
where org_id = 'oromeo'

select *
from product_group
where org_id = 'oromeo'

a.item_code as [SKU Code],
a.item_name as [SKU Name],
a.item_short_name as [SKU Short Name],
a.item_desc as [SKU Description],
mst5.group_code as [Product Group Code],
mst3.sub_group_code as [Item Group Code],
mst2.package_group_code as [Packaging Group Code],
mst_uom_code.product_uom_code as [Stock UOM],
mst_cf_alt_uom.product_uom_code as [Alternate Uom],
mst_oth_uom_code.product_uom_code as [Other Uom],
a.cf_alt_uom as [Conv Fact Alt Uom],
a.cf_oth_uom as [Conv Fact Oth Uom],
mst4.product_class_code as [Product Class],
mst.list_price_code as [List Price Code],
a.status as [Status],
a.barcode as [Barcode]
from product_item (nolock) a
inner join product_group (nolock) mst5 on a.group_id = mst5.group_id and mst5.org_id = a.org_id
inner join product_sub_group (nolock) mst3 on a.sub_group_id = mst3.sub_group_id and mst3.org_id = a.org_id and mst5.group_id = mst3.group_id
inner join mst_package_group (nolock)mst2 on a.package_group_id = mst2.package_group_id and mst2.org_id = a.org_id
inner join mst_product_uom (nolock) mst_uom_code on a.stock_uom_id = mst_uom_code.product_uom_id and mst_uom_code.org_id = a.org_id
inner join mst_product_uom (nolock) mst_cf_alt_uom on a.alt_uom_id = mst_cf_alt_uom.product_uom_id and mst_cf_alt_uom.org_id = a.org_id
inner join mst_product_uom (nolock) mst_oth_uom_code on a.oth_uom_id =mst_oth_uom_code.product_uom_id and mst_oth_uom_code.org_id = a.org_id
inner join mst_product_class (nolock) mst4 on a.product_class_id = mst4.product_class_id and mst4.org_id = a.org_id
inner join mst_list_price_code mst on a.list_price_code_id = mst.list_price_code_id and mst.org_id = a.org_id
where a.org_id='oromeo'
order by a.item_code

SKU_Price Template

select *
from product_item
where org_id = 'oromeo'

select *
from mst_product_price
where org_id = 'oromeo'

select *
from mst_price_code
where org_id = 'oromeo'

select p.item_code as [SKU Code], p.item_desc as [SKU Description], pc.price_code as [Price Code], mp.selling_price as [Selling Price], mp.price_basis as [Price Basis], p.Status
from product_item p inner join mst_product_price mp on p.item_id = mp.item_id inner join mst_price_code pc on mp.price_code_id = pc.price_id
where p.org_id = 'oromeo'

#4 Updated by Rashdan Hussin 7 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

Also available in: Atom PDF