


Production Ticket(ST) #10302

DDM Risk Assessment - Nov 23

Added by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 11 months ago. Updated 9 months ago.

Ticket Resolved
P3 - Medium
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% Done:


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SLA Initial Response:
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Issue Reoccurance#:
Actual Initial Response:

Hi Joe,

Team has reverted on the table list. Please find attached and refer below for the summary :

Row Labels Count of table_name Sum of num_rows
Not in use 356 367477242
Unsure on the usage because it is legacy/s3 data. However, the data it stored might need to be referred back in the future 523 227818033
Used by MSBI 51 183541375
Grand Total 930 778836650

Please let us know if require further support on this matter. As for the DB backup, it is crucial, and we would suggest that @ABDULLAH Mirza to trigger the initiative to fill the gap. However, the server will need a dedicated backup space as of current disk space are in-sufficient to cater backup.

Requester ExpectedDeliveryDate:
Delay Justification:
Priority Seq:
Effort (Hour):
External Ticket #:



Dear Team,

Referring to RITM0740438 when we requested Data Dictionary, need your kind help to answer below

1) List shows 900+ Tables, May I know how many are actually being used for DDM? Can you make a list or summarize for us.
2) SLA [If you can share the contract agreed] RTO for DDM from Application point of view if server is down. How long does it take to bring back everything up? I understand server is not mcc scope so I am asking about web application/db/scheduler.
3) What is the backup procedure? How often is backup done?
4) Screenshot DB/APP backup + Process.
5) Audit Logs APP and DB server. (2.91 MB) Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal, 30/10/2023 03:04 PM
DDM_Full_Table_List_Comment_2023.xlsx (91.3 KB) DDM_Full_Table_List_Comment_2023.xlsx Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal, 30/10/2023 04:49 PM


#1 Updated by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 11 months ago

Hi Joe,

Below is the update on the inquiry :

1) List shows 900+ Tables, May I know how many are actually being used for DDM? Can you make a list or summarize for us.

 Team working on listing down the table that being use for MSBI. We’ll feedback by tomorrow.

2) SLA [If you can share the contract agreed] RTO for DDM from Application point of view if server is down. How long does it take to bring back everything up? I understand server is not mcc scope so I am asking about web application/db/scheduler.

 Setting up the DDM web and db using backup would roughly take around 3 hours. Given the server is up.
 There is no documentation or contract regarding DDM SLA.

3) What is the backup procedure? How often is backup done?

 DDM Database – As check, there is no automation for the SQL database backup.
 APP – As check, the DDM reports has no backup but all the data for the report can be extracted back from MSBI database.

4) Screenshot DB/APP backup + Process.

 None

5) Audit Logs APP and DB server.

 Attached is the access logs for DDM App
 While for SQL database audit log were not being setup and there is none.

#2 Updated by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 11 months ago

#3 Updated by Muhammed Assyafiq Bin Ahmad Kamal 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Pending Client Verification to Ticket Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Resolution updated (diff)

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