SELECT * FROM ( select h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, h.invoice_balance AS header from txn_invoice_history_header h inner join txn_invoice_history_detail d ON d.invoice_id = h.invoice_id WHERE h.invoice_status like '%Approve%' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) >= '2024-05-03' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) <= '2024-05-30' GROUP BY h.invoice_id, h.invoice_no, h.invoice_balance ) x INNER JOIN ( select d.invoice_id, SUM(d.line_total) as line_total, cast(sum(ROUND(web_price_before_discount * total_uom3_qty, 2)) as decimal(18,2)) as line_total_before_discount, cast(sum(ROUND(mprice * total_uom3_qty, 2)) as decimal(18,2)) as line_total_after_discount from txn_invoice_history_header h inner join txn_invoice_history_detail d ON d.invoice_id = h.invoice_id WHERE h.invoice_status like '%Approve%' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) >= '2024-05-03' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) <= '2024-05-30' GROUP BY d.invoice_id ) y ON x.invoice_id = y.invoice_id WHERE header <> line_total --select * into _txn_invoice_history_header_20240601_SY_header_detail_not_tally from txn_invoice_history_header select * from _txn_invoice_history_header_20240601_SY_header_detail_not_tally select currency_value, invoice_balance, detail_total from txn_invoice_history_header ih inner join (select invoice_id, SUM(line_total) as detail_total from txn_invoice_history_detail group by invoice_id) id on ih.invoice_id = id.invoice_id where invoice_status like '%Approve%' and CONVERT(date, invoice_date) >= '2024-05-03' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) <= '2024-05-30' and invoice_balance <> detail_total update ih set currency_value = detail_total, invoice_balance = detail_total, updated_by = 'SHAN YOU', updated_date = GETDATE() from txn_invoice_history_header ih inner join (select invoice_id, SUM(line_total) as detail_total from txn_invoice_history_detail group by invoice_id) id on ih.invoice_id = id.invoice_id where invoice_status like '%Approve%' and CONVERT(date, invoice_date) >= '2024-05-03' AND CONVERT(date, invoice_date) <= '2024-05-30' and invoice_balance <> detail_total select * from txn_invoice_history_header where updated_by = 'SHAN YOU' select order_web_net_amount, detail_total from txn_sales_order_header ih inner join (select ord_hdr_id, SUM(web_product_net_amount) as detail_total from txn_sales_order_details group by ord_hdr_id) id on ih.ord_hdr_id = id.ord_hdr_id where status like '%approve%' and CONVERT(date, order_date) >= '2024-05-03' AND CONVERT(date, order_date) <= '2024-05-30'