



From 28/04/2024 to 27/05/2024


06:35 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11731 (Ticket Resolved): Hi pls check, CCMCJ000285-240515 didn't reflect to autocount)
CCMCJ000285-240515 didn't reflect to autocount Rashdan Hussin
06:28 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11822 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - duplicate items when export to ERP)
Joe code is overwritten by pipeline. Rashdan Hussin
06:25 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11812 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - sell in detail show blank in all transation)
Joe code is overwritten by pipeline. Rashdan Hussin
06:21 PM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11836 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - adjust the SSM number)
. Alfred Tan
06:20 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11783 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - can't find the product code)
Issue with the product in datanory using old code while in ERP have new code. Rashdan Hussin
03:36 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11788 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - SO didn't upload to sales order approval)
SO didn't upload to sales order approval Rashdan Hussin
10:30 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11686 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - other modules, follow item code ya, can change to follow item code?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin


04:09 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 20.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11780 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- Hi @Azhar13 why like this ya)
f Muhammad Arif


12:05 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11815 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - This customer no have HE promotion)
Their promotion setup. Rashdan Hussin
07:55 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11811 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why the mobile showing this invoice)
Invoice created by clt device. Rashdan Hussin
06:56 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11798 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - click import data but not response)
Route Plan Import Rashdan Hussin
04:19 PM Express365 3.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11713 (Ticket Resolved): Express365- ini saya generate utk sst tax. invoice fz1540 tu kenapa amount dia tak sama dgn dalam invoice ye? haritu saya check mungkin sebab ep fee. tapi bila dah kira, tolak amount ep fee tak dapat amount 118,331.60 tu.)
call with user to understand the requirement Alfred Tan
04:14 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11797 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why for branch V all end date change to 23/5/24)
Patch the end date. Rashdan Hussin
02:49 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11647 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @~Rashdan Hussin Add on explaination ya, as other can tick to choose it, but collection date cannot)
collection date Rashdan Hussin
12:04 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11782 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- Hi @Azhar13 this paid, but still have, please assist)
Data integrataion. Rashdan Hussin
11:52 AM Express365 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11805 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - enquiry account status)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
11:38 AM Express365 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11803 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - SST report does not capture the 8 %)
check with user and principal Alfred Tan
11:37 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11774 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Collection didn't reflect to autocount and datanory)
Possibility of dead lock. Rashdan Hussin
11:31 AM Express365 3.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11802 (Ticket Resolved): POS - Discount function disable)
fix the configuration Alfred Tan
10:58 AM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11800 (Ticket Resolved): POS - enquiry the chart of account)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:55 AM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11799 (Ticket Resolved): POS - enquiry the payment types)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:30 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11784 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest-- Hi, can help to check why this SO didn't upload to sales order approval?)
Ticket already created. Rashdan Hussin


10:52 PM Express365 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11795 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - new product missing in stock received)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:39 PM Express365 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11794 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Payment received cannot tick invoice)
check and escalate to Principal Alfred Tan
03:02 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11773 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - check this good return error)
Customer branch duplicate. Rashdan Hussin
01:57 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11763 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - didn't reflect to datonory SA report)
Branch and area mismatch. Rashdan Hussin


04:40 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11692 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Some of the picture empty and half)
Possibility due to poor network connection. Rashdan Hussin
04:23 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11777 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - No have promotion list)
No issue found. Rashdan Hussin
04:14 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11776 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - how at handheld have double cstmr name)
Duplicate route. Rashdan Hussin
04:09 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11775 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - Sales Quantity By Item Report. Please assist.)
Caused by recent deployment. Rashdan Hussin


09:42 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11750 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - So how to solve it? For this customer 302K/346 no more outstanding)
Same issue as Rashdan Hussin
09:27 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11770 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - Upload error)
Multiple branches for the promotion causing duplicate Rashdan Hussin
09:14 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11769 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - cant upload)
Network issue. Rashdan Hussin
04:15 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11764 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Salesman inform me, he can't check out)
Cannot replicate the issue. Rashdan Hussin
10:07 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11758 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - unable save, shown bank blank)
Include checking for bank. Rashdan Hussin


06:12 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11674 (Ticket Resolved): suntory- I saw the decimal point difference for 08th and 09th any reason ?)
decimal point difference for 08th and 09th Rashdan Hussin
05:59 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11656 (Ticket Resolved): Suntory - [07/05, 20:50] MCC Cris: hi not sure if this is issue because when i filter 6th May, then data cannot show [07/05, 20:51] MCC Cris: when no select filter the 6th May data is shown)
bug Rashdan Hussin
05:24 PM Datanory - TSH 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11759 (Ticket Resolved): TSH - collection report has no data show)
sp logic not cater empty invoice supply. Rashdan Hussin
10:55 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11748 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - why already settled the payment, still showing in mobile?)
already settled the payment, still showing in mobile Rashdan Hussin
10:09 AM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11749 (Ticket Resolved): Finance365 - udpate the company detail)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:00 AM Finance365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11747 (Ticket Resolved): Finance365 - Tax amount not appear in SST Transaction Report)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan


07:00 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11742 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - collection unable approve)
issue with web collection is a bug Rashdan Hussin
02:54 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11742 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - collection unable approve)
web collection bug Rashdan Hussin
06:55 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11740 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - pls check this issue)
Knock off invoice still showing. Rashdan Hussin
04:30 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11739 (Ticket Resolved): KYMMSENG - Another issue is Return)
Good return pending. Rashdan Hussin
10:29 AM Express365 0.10 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11735 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - request Chart of Account template)
. Alfred Tan


10:41 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11727 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU- hi @Azhar13 why collection type shown CN? but payment receipt correct)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
10:11 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11727 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU- hi @Azhar13 why collection type shown CN? but payment receipt correct)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:14 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11724 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- hi, pls help check, collection ccmn5000009-240418 has minus the CN/002073 - RM 2.56 but now want to do new collection, and this CN still appear. customer is 5P517 Wan Shing Mktg S/B.)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
04:49 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11722 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- Hi Technical Team. 2 nama cstmr tiAda dalam list handheld user tapi dalam sistem sy, ada dalam sistem. Boleh check? For JHB05.)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
12:44 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11722 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- Hi Technical Team. 2 nama cstmr tiAda dalam list handheld user tapi dalam sistem sy, ada dalam sistem. Boleh check? For JHB05.)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:36 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11702 (Ticket Resolved): goldcrest- Hi pls check, direction missing)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:30 PM Datanory - NIBOU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11705 (Ticket Resolved): NIBOU - checking all the active users for Nibou)
checking all the active users for Nibou Rashdan Hussin
05:51 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11698 (Ticket Resolved): Hi pls check, invoice and collection number missing INWWX001117-240510 CCWWX001142-240510)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
04:54 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11709 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Issue of collection in web)
Issue of collection in web Rashdan Hussin
03:06 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11708 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku- hi @Azhar13 unable approve)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:37 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11676 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest- Hi pls check, this 2 collection number missing CCWWQ000575-240508, CCWWX001113-240508)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


04:45 PM Datanory - SUNTORY 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11443 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Reporting and invoice printing issue)
All reporting tested fine. Rashdan Hussin
03:32 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11690 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - help to check any setting wrong caused this)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
12:03 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.20 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11696 (Ticket Resolved): Daily Fresh- Hi Technical team. SEL14 tak boleh print kertas untuk 99 speedmart.advice pls. Urgent!!)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:58 AM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11678 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- kindly see highlighted. how come call rate is 100% but still have missed calls?)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:49 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11672 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - hi, pls check why collection of CCMC4000006 is missing?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:35 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11539 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Hi pls check, WWQ 19/04/24 stock bal.)
opening balance in EOD summary is not same as previous day closing balance Rashdan Hussin
10:49 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11688 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount)
No issue. Rashdan Hussin


05:07 PM Datanory - OROMEO 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11675 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - import the assigned merchandiser to Datanory)
import the assigned merchandiser to Datanory Rashdan Hussin


05:03 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11689 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - can't view product list for customer group ES RM 2)
Not update the integration trigger Rashdan Hussin
01:21 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11686 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - other modules, follow item code ya, can change to follow item code?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin
01:12 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11688 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount)
inv & collection didn't reflect to autocount Rashdan Hussin
12:34 PM Datanory - PRIMAASIA 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11687 (Ticket Resolved): PRIMAASIA - salesman cant login to his Datanory apps)
User not fill in organisation name. Rashdan Hussin
12:18 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11667 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - hi @Azhar13 why invoice total amount difference?)
invoice total amount difference Rashdan Hussin


04:46 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11679 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @Azhar13 why different?)
Not setup customer qualifier. Rashdan Hussin
02:42 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.20 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11678 (Ticket Resolved): DailyFresh- kindly see highlighted. how come call rate is 100% but still have missed calls?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
02:27 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11676 (Ticket Resolved): Goldcrest- Hi pls check, this 2 collection number missing CCWWQ000575-240508, CCWWX001113-240508)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
02:27 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11632 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - pls verify this user ME5, missing no 5 but duplicate no 4)
duplication and the skipped running number. Rashdan Hussin
10:21 AM Datanory Trial 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11132 (Ticket Resolved): Route Plan Import Error)
Route Plan Import Error Rashdan Hussin
10:17 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 4.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11672 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - hi, pls check why collection of CCMC4000006 is missing?)
support and stimulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
09:06 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 5.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11663 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - CCMN3000022 - this transaction have 2 types of payment cash & chq but why import to systenm combine under 1 transaction only?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


07:51 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11651 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - why on behalf module some become untick? as last time all ticked ya)
Customers are recently added. Rashdan Hussin
06:44 PM Datanory - DAILYFRESH 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11568 (Ticket Resolved): DAILYFRESH - Unable to upload)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
06:37 PM Express365 3.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11668 (Ticket Resolved): Express- 365- Hi, may I know how to active price level features ya ?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
06:26 PM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11635 (Ticket Resolved): Express 365- kindly check at ur side... is their FAV 365 still active in using?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
03:11 PM Datanory - OROMEO 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11666 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - Update Chain Code For KK Supermart)
Update the KK Supermart chain. Rashdan Hussin
02:26 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 5.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11660 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku -hi, Please help to check this OR CCMS2000022-240507, approved but not import to System.)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:26 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11655 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - hi @Azhar13 user MN8, planned route got missing outlet, MN2 also)
user MN8, planned route got missing outlet, MN2 also Rashdan Hussin
11:00 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11665 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Hi pls check S/078 didn't reflect datanory)
User not assigned to customer branch Rashdan Hussin
10:54 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11648 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - Customer 301M/022 should be no outstanding ady, but mobile keep showing outstanding inv)
Cancelled invoice keep showing in mobile. Rashdan Hussin


10:26 PM Datanory - OROMEO 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11644 (Ticket Resolved): OROMEO - Update Latest Oromeo User)
User update. Rashdan Hussin
07:09 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11663 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku - CCMN3000022 - this transaction have 2 types of payment cash & chq but why import to systenm combine under 1 transaction only?)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
07:01 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11660 (Ticket Resolved): Snekku -hi, Please help to check this OR CCMS2000022-240507, approved but not import to System.)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


05:02 PM Datanory - GOLDCREST 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11627 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - CCWWQ000438, CCWWQ000439 and CCWWQ000440 didn't reflect to autocount)
support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
10:08 AM Datanory - GOLDCREST 6.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11627 (Ticket Resolved): GOLDCREST - CCWWQ000438, CCWWQ000439 and CCWWQ000440 didn't reflect to autocount)
Duplication adn support Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen
11:54 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11647 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - Hi @~Rashdan Hussin Add on explaination ya, as other can tick to choose it, but collection date cannot)
support and simulation Muhammed Azhar Mohamed Maideen


06:33 PM Datanory - SNEKKU 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11631 (On-Hold): SNEKKU - May I know where can I have a report to call only datanory collection ?)
Client request. Rashdan Hussin
11:23 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11629 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Mobile Transaction Upload Error)
Multiple branches for the promotion causing duplicate. Rashdan Hussin
10:12 AM Datanory - SNEKKU 2.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11632 (Ticket Resolved): SNEKKU - pls verify this user ME5, missing no 5 but duplicate no 4)
Duplicate collection number Rashdan Hussin
09:28 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11630 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Cannot Setup Product Catalog)
Inconsistency issue with organisation update which is existing Datanory issue Rashdan Hussin


10:10 AM Datanory - SUNTORY 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11629 (Ticket Resolved): SUNTORY - Mobile Transaction Upload Error)
Mobile Transaction Upload Error Rashdan Hussin


11:15 AM Datanory - TSH 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11626 (Ticket Resolved): TSH - website unable to view any Van Goods Request)
Need further checking. Seems related to performance issue. Rashdan Hussin
10:46 AM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11625 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - name of PDF filename)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:35 AM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11624 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - open new customer)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
10:11 AM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11594 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - adjust the invoice)
fix issue Alfred Tan
10:08 AM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11594 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - adjust the invoice)
Escalate to Principal - Leong Alfred Tan
10:02 AM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11588 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquire on Integrate with Easy Store)
support Alfred Tan


01:16 AM Datanory - YAKULT 24.00 hours (Production Ticket(ST) #11549 (Ticket Resolved): YAKULT - SFA Implementation for Yakult)
Update billing and shipping address Rashdan Hussin
12:59 PM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11592 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquiry on E-invoice progress)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan
12:58 PM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11593 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquiry on account transfer from package to package)
get more details from user Alfred Tan
12:48 PM Express365 0.60 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11591 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - cannot delete the receive payment)
simulate and check with leong Alfred Tan
12:45 PM Express365 0.30 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11590 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquire on SST report function)
clarify to user Alfred Tan
12:30 PM Express365 0.50 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11589 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - POS account cannot login)
check with user and principal Alfred Tan
12:26 PM Express365 1.00 hour (Production Ticket(ST) #11588 (Ticket Resolved): Express365 - Enquire on Integrate with Easy Store)
check and understand user enquiry Alfred Tan

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